We specialize in comprehensive diagnostic evaluations, medication management, psychological and educational evaluations, individual therapy, play therapy, parenting skills enhancement, and school consultation.
What Can I Expect In My First Session?
Initial Diagnostic Evaluations: Dr. Files-Hall, Dr. Lirio, and Dr. LaCivita are well skilled at evaluating behaviors, experiences and prior assessments. The initial intake appointment provides the doctor with the information necessary to begin understanding the nature of a problem and to begin to provide a preliminary plan for change. The treatment plan is further refined as we continue to learn about our clients with each subsequent visit.
Comprehensive educational and psychological evaluations are conducted.
Note: Dr. Files-Hall and Dr. LaCivita are approved providers of educational, psychological, and gifted evaluations/testing in both the Manatee and Sarasota county school systems.
*ALL testing is completed by Dr. Files-Hall or Dr. LaCivita. A psychometrist is NEVER used.*
We adhere to the regulations provided by your school district and the state of Florida in determining gifted eligibility.
Learning Disabilities
Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, etc.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Impulsive-Hyperactive Presentation, Predominately Inattentive Presentation, Combined Presentation
Determine eligibility for testing accommodations on nationwide exams
Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Developmental Delay
Emotional Disorders
Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, etc.
Behavioral Difficulties
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), Conduct Disorder
Processing Problems
Memory, executive functioning, processing speed, etc
Child, Adolescent, Parent, and Family Therapy
Comprehensive therapy services are available for the child, adolescent, parent, and/or family. An integrated treatment approach is offered based on the specific needs of the individual and/or family. Therapy is viewed as a collaborative approach between the psychologist and client(s).
Play Therapy
Play therapy is a type of mental health intervention, which is specifically designed to help children alleviate emotional, social, and behavioral difficulties. Play is a child’s natural medium of self-expression. Children “play out” their feelings and problems whereas adults “talk out” their difficulties. As Ginott noted, for children toys are their words and play is their conversation.
Click Here for further information on Play Therapy
Consultation Services
Consultation, a collaborative problem solving approach, promotes parents’ and teachers’ skills to improve children’s learning and behavior at home and at school. Behavioral support plans are designed with parents and teachers.
This represents a diagnostic evaluation of the child, adolescent, and parent or family. A comprehensive approach including developmental, academic, and social function is included.
Diagnostic impressions and treatment recommendations are provided at the conclusion of the evaluation. The treatment plan is a biological/psychological/social approach, which can include recommendations for medications, psychotherapy, school accommodations or modifications, and family interventions.
A psychiatric evaluation involves a comprehensive assessment of the patient and family. For pediatric patients (under the age of 18), this is conducted in 2 one-hour meetings. An evaluation for an adult patient will generally last an hour. Information is gathered, including present concerns, past treatment history, and pertinent family and medical history. At the conclusion of the evaluation, preliminary treatment recommendations and follow up recommendations are provided. The evaluation can also include collaboration or consultation with primary care physicians, therapists, and school personnel when applicable.
Medication recommendations are individualized for the child or adolescent. Medication management follow up visits are generally 20-30 minutes and involve careful monitoring of effects of the medications, as well as discussion of family and school situation and other factors that impact on the child’s and family’s level of function.
Collaboration with pediatricians, primary care physicians, and therapists is also a critical part of the process.
Parents may have concerns about starting their child on medications to treat their behavioral health needs. Prior to initiation of medication, there will be a comprehensive evaluation and discussion of a variety of treatment options, including medications, psychotherapy, and school interventions if needed. Medication management follow up appointments are generally 20-30 minutes, and involve close monitoring of effects, as well as any potential side effects. Additionally, there may be consultation with pediatricians or primary care physicians as well as therapists and school personnel when applicable. Detailed information about medication options can be found at parentsmedguide.org.